Transparency International Spain has recently initiated a policy of engagement and collaboration with business, in order to seek synergies and positive ways of collaboration in the field of transparency and corporate social responsibility so as to enhance the other hand, the TI-Spain activity in relation to the promotion of transparency of public administrations at different levels and types of entities.

According to this new direction has materialized the first agreement for the establishment of a Chair of Sponsorship from Siemens Spain andTI-Spain, aimed at contributing to the fight against corruption and promoting transparency.  Later it has signed a new agreement with another prominent institution in the field of social progress and transparency as the Repsol Fundación.


TI-Spain will continue this policy of seeking agreements with companies and organizations that serve as reference and excel in our country by a high level of social responsibility, transparency, and promoting ethical values in its various activities.

Logo Siemens

One of the basic objectives of the Agreement between TI-Spain and Siemens is to ensure ethical standards oftop-level in organizations, and Siemens collaborate on TI-projects and activities that promote transparency in society and in the activities of the public and private entities.

This Agreement is relevant as a first step in the very important and necessary cooperation of large companies with civil society in the fight against corruption, the promotion of transparency and the promotion of clean businesses.

The fact that this first Chair or sponsorship agreement has been carried out with Siemens Spain has a high degree of significance, as this company has been emphasizing in recent years by a substantive policy of transparency and social responsibility in Spain, promoting a set of actions of good conduct and ethical principles and values, both within the company and its relationship with the environment and the different stakeholders.

See: Principles and ethical commitments of Siemens Spain

Logo Repsol

The key objectives of the Agreement between TI-Spain and the Fundación Repsol focuses on promoting and enhancing the activities that TI-Spain makes in the interest of promoting transparency in society, and especiallyTransparency Index of Municipalities, Transparency Index in the Water Management, and Transparency Index in the Autonomous Communities.

The ends sought by Transparency International and the overall activities that it conducts fall within the general purposes of the social character of the Fundación Repsol.

The signing of this agreement or Sponsorship Chair is to highlight the search by the TI-Spain of the leading organizations in the area of transparency and social responsibility, also in the field of nonprofit entities, such as the case of the Fundación Repsol.

The set of activities and social projects developed by the Fundación Repsol is available on the website of this institution: FUNDACIÓN REPSOL.